For instance the process of making organic bamboo fabric. Have you ever wondered how such a hardy plant can become such a soft and supple fabric? Turns out it is quite toxic and leaves a big carbon footprint to manufacture, huge amounts of chemicals are used to break it down. It is definitely better to wear organic without a dough. If the skin is our biggest organ we are taking in the toxins in from the fabrics we wear through our skin. Conventional cotton is full of chemicals and it is the most polluting fabric to farm. The static show that 2/3 pounds of pesticides and insecticides are used to grown one T-shirt. Ideally we should probably all get out our sewing machines and buy organic US made cotton. It looks like organic cotton is the most eco friendly to grow and process for now. They are shops on line where you can buy organic clothes and home goods, like bed sheets. I was told to start with anything that is closest to the skin must be addressed first.
Today I choose Patagonia as my first choice:
and if you google organic cotton clothing you will find a whole array of choice, amazing!
Here are articles about organic bamboo manufacturing and eco friendly fibers, organic cotton site that keep you up to date:
and then there is the whole paper bag versus plastic bags, you would think that paper bags are better, well no, turns out paper leave a much larger carbon footprint from the recycling of the paper to the shipping. Best stick to your recycled tote......the only things is remembering to put them in the car for your next shopping trip with the next zillions things we need to program in our brain on a daily basis like finding your Von's plastic bag in the pacific ocean in a few months from now, soon to be eaten by the passing salmon that will end up on your plate three years from now and don't your dare ask why you are getting fat?!
Meanwhile, I'll stick to buying myself some nice organic cotton drawers and stop trying to be so politically correct.
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